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Terms and abbreviations

In this page are described relevant terms and the list of abbreviations mostly used in this documentation.

Term or
AdapterThe software module of the SmartRoad suit that is designed to process and transform data, received from the detector for further transmission to the system
AdministratorA user with special sets of access rights
SuperadminAdministrator of Sorb Engineering LLC, who has has a special set of access to rights to projects on the system
ACYDDAutomated traffic control system
ARMAutomated workstation
DB (PostgreSQL)A database designed to store information and is part of the Smartroad software suit. The database can be installed either on a mini-PC, in a separate traffic control point or in a shared server that allocates the project
Detector / DTTransport detector
Mini-PCDevice on which the adapter is installed and analysis of data from detectors is carried out
OperatorA user who has been granted the operator role to work with recorded events
UserA user who has been granted the manager role to escalate an issue that was not closed within the specified time frame.
RuleA set of parameters that determine the norms of characteristics of objects and/or traffic flows recorded by the detector
PicketDistance marking point at highways in 100 m increments
PNRStarting-up and adjustment works
PUIDDRegister point of traffic flow intensiveness
Real time modeAn information processing mode that ensures the interaction of the Information Processing System with processes external to it at a pace commensurate with the speed of these processes.
System PAK SmartRoadSoftware and hardware complex for monitoring traffic flows.
EventA deviation of the characteristics recorded by the detector of objects and/or traffic flows from the rules established on the system. An unforeseen or undesirable situation that may disrupt the normal movement of traffic or safety on the road
TSTransport facility or vehicle
TriggerA set of conditions for the occurrence of an eventwhen the parameters of the traffic flow change. When a trigger event occurs, the relay is actived
RelayDevice for closing and opening an electrical circuit
ETAThe period during which a particular vehicle reaches its destination
JSONText-based data exchange format based on JavaScript
PVR (Per vehicle record)The basic statistical unit of recording an object of motion. Vehicle registration
RabbitMQSoftware message broker based on the AMQP standard. Sends processed data from the adapter to a queue
SQLiteCompact embedded DBMS, installed on a mini-PC
WebSocketBidirectional communication protocol between the client (browser) and the server, allowing the exchange messages in real time
ResourceThe program code located on the SmartRoad package server at a specific URL for processing RESTfulAPI requests, which accepts the request parameters as input and returns the corresponding data processing result