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Logs and Road parameters

The system implements logging of equipment operation, and also the Road parameters menu item is intended for managing roads in the selected project.


The system implements logging of equipment operation. Menu item Logs is designed to view information about the operation of equipment.

Menu Logs

The user has access to a filter for searching information and a list of logs. The filter specifies parameters for searching logs in the list. Next to the list name Logs, information about the total number of logs in the System is displayed.

Logs page

In the next table are described the Log filter parameters.

AdapterIn the drop-down list, the user is shown a list of adapters registered in the System. The choice is made by checking the checkbox. By default, all adapters are selected
DetectorIn the drop-down list the user is shown list of detectors registered in the System. The choice is made by checking the checkbox. By default, no detectors are selected.
Error categoryIn the drop-down list, the user is shown a list of error categories registered in the System - messages from the adapter about an error in a certain part of the System (Main program, Rabbit, DB, etc). The category is selected by checking the checkbox. No category selected by default.
Error codeIn the drop-down list, the user is shown a list of error codes registered in the System. The choice is made by setting checkbox. No code is selected by default.
PeriodIn the calendar, enter the date and time to search for logs in the list with a specific date. The values from and to are indicated. Below the period entry field where are buttons for quickly selecting the period:
- Today
- Yesterday
- Week ago
By clicking on the quick period selection buttons, the System will automatically substitute the selected period.
ApplyButton for applying log building parameters. When clicked, the System generates a list of logs and displays it to the user
ResetFilter parameters reset button. By clicking on the button, all filter parameters entered by the user are returned to their default values.
ExportA button for uploading the generated list of logs to an external Excel file. The file is uploaded to the user's PC

In addition, the list of logs is intended for viewing records of errors that occur during equipment operation. Next to the list name Logs, information about the total number of logs in the System is displayed.

Below you can find the Log list parameters.

#The serial number of the entry in the list
AdapterThe name of the adapter that interacts with detector in which an error occurred or a status change message was received
DetectorName of the detector in whose operation the error occurred and a status change message arrived
DateDate and time the log was recorded by the System
VersionVersion of the adapter that sent the message
ModuleThe module from which the message came
Event typeMessage type:
- Information
- Warning
- Error
The codeIdentification number of error categories registered in the System
MessageMessage about status change according to error code

Road parameters

The Road parameters menu item Logs for managing roads in the selected project.

Menu Road parameters

When clicking on the menu item Road parameters the page is goes to Road Management section, which contains a filter and a list of all roads existing in the System. Next to the list name Roads, information about the total number of roads in the System is displayed.

Road parameters page

In the next tables are included the fields available in Road management page.


Road nameField for entering the name or part of the road name
ProjectDrop-down list for selecting a project. The choice is made by setting a checkbox.


#The serial number of the entry in the list
Road nameThe name of the road specified when creating or adding a road
ProjectThe project to which the configured road belongs
Number of detectorsTotal number of installed and configured detectors on a given road section
Edit/DeleteIcons for deleting an entry in the list and changing road parameters. You just should hover your mouse over the item in the list and click on the edit icon to edit an existing entry in the list. When you click the button, an editing window will be displayed (similar to Add road window) with the previously specified parameters. Click the delete icon to remove a road from the list. When removing, you must confirm the deletion the pop-up window.

Add a road

Setting up the road is done by clicking on the button Add a road in Road Management page. Afterward, a window for entering road parameters is displayed.

Add Road page

In the table below you can find the Parameters available in Add Road window

Project*Drop-down list for selecting a project in which a new road will be configured in the System The drop-down list contains all projects for the current organization.
Road type*Field for selecting the type of road. The drop-down list contains entries from the road type directory.
Road name*Field for entering the name of the road, which will be displayed in the road list section.
Description of the roadField for entering a road description or user comment
Road detectorsSection for adding available detectors to the road. All available detectors within the selected project will be displayed in the Available Detectors field. You should select a detector and click on the Add detector button. Select an entry in the Road detector field and click the Remove detector button to remove a previously added detector.
Create/Save (in edit mode)Button to create a new road. Once clicking on the button, a new road will be created in the System, and the user will go to the road editor window
CancelButton to cancel the creation of a new road. The user will be returned to the road list section.

(*) - This is a required parameter to add a road