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The Adapters section is intended for setting up an adapter in the System, a software module of the SmartRoad software package, which is responsible for transforming the data received from the Detectors (DT).

Menu Adapters

In this section, the user has access to a list of saved adapter settings in the System.

Adapters page

Next you can find the Adapter list parameters

#The serial number of the entry in the list
Adapter nameAdapter name specified when added to the System
IDUnique adapter ID
Adapter versionAdapter version used
Version librariesLibrary version used
DetectorsNumber of detectors interacting with adapter
StatusStatus indicator for data exchange with the adapter:
* Green – data is coming from the adapter
* Red – data is NOT coming from the adapter
Date changesDate the adpater information was last edited

The list allows you to sort by adapter name, ID, adapter version, library version, number of detectors, data exchange status, date of last change of information about the adapter.

Adding an adapter

Adding and configuring an adapter is done by clicking on the button Add adapter. When the button is clicked on, the user is shown a page for entering adapter configuration parameters.

Add Adapter

Add Adapter

Below the Parameters in Add Adapter page are described.

Adapter name*Enter the unique name of the adapter in the field
Output modeThe drop-down list displays all available data output modes: selection is made by checking the checkbox
ConfigurationThe drop-down list displays available sources for obtaining configuration for the adapter
Command sourceThe drop-down list displays available sources for receiving commands for the adapter
RabbitMQThe address of the RabbitMQ message broker resource is entered in the field.
ProjectThe project to which the cabinet belongs in the System
DetectorsName of detectors interacting with the cabinet
Date changesDate the information was rack last edited

Besides, those related to Adapter detectors

Available detectorsDetector selection block, which displays detectors available for adding that will interact with the adapter (detectors must be added to the system in advance). You should select and click on Add detector button to add a new detector
Adapter detectorsThe detector selection block displays the added detectors. Detectors are removed by selecting a detector in the emerged window and clicking on the Remove detector button
Output Options dataThe field sets data output parameters:
* Processing – processed in the adapter;
* On screen – displayed on the screen of a mini-PC or on a server
* To file – recorded in a log file on a mini-PC or on a server
* To the database – saved in the database (PostgreSQL);
* RabbitMQ – to the RabbitMQ queue;
* To buffer – to SQLite buffer;
* To websocket – transfer data to the server via the websocket installed in the adapter
Depending on the type of data and the type of data output, the user has the opportunity to set checkboxes. An installed checkbox indicates that a certain type of data will be output.
SaveSaving the entered parameters and creating a new adapter in the System
CancelUndo all previous changes

(*) - It is mandatory field

Removing and editing an adapter

You have to hover the mouse cursor over the entry in the list and click on the Edit button to change the adapter settings. When you click on the button, an editing page will open (similar to the add adapter window) with previously specified parameters.

Click on the Delete button to remove adapter settings from the system. When you click on the button, you must confirm the deletion in the pop-up window by clicking the Delete button or cancel the deletion by clicking on the Cancel button.