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Detector operation status

The current status of the detector is displayed on the interactive map on the main page of the web interface in the form of a detector marker of a certain color.

Detectors on the map are displayed as round icons. The marker color changes depending on the detector status.

Detectors operation status

Description of DT statuses and conditions

In the table below are described the detectors (DT) statuses and conditions for their determination in the SmartRoad System.

Marker colorDescriptionDT status
GreenThe DT functions correctly, data flows from the DT to the adapter and then to the system- The detector participates in adapter polling (ACTIVE)
- The extended mode (EXTENDED_MODE) is activated on detector. This mode is activated only in “0C” type detectors. It is used to determinate bands and classes of tracked objects (OBJECTS)
- The system receives data from the detector (data is read - READING).
BlueDT is in maintenance mode or setupThe detector is undergoing service (in setup). The detector data is redirected to an IP address that is different from the IP address of the server where the adapter is located.
RedThe adapter does not transmit data to the system (user)Determined by the System when one or more of the conditions below occur:
- In DT the “bootloader_mode” mode is activated; error when connecting the adapter to the diesel generator (CONNECTION_ERROR);
- The adapter is in the process of connecting to the DT (the adapter attempts to connect to the DT - CONNECTING);
- The adapter successfully connected to the DT - CONNECTED, while data has not yet been transmitted to the user
- No data from the adapter for more than two minutes (DEAD_ADAPTER).
- Standby mode (TIMEOUT).
YellowWarning about a possible problem with the detectorDetermined by the system when one or more of the following conditions occur:
- The system does not receive PVR data from the detector within 10 minutes (NO PVR); status data is not recorded in the database (NO DATA)
- Blinding the DT is blinded due to the formation of snow, ice or other obstacle blocking the DT antenna signal (BLIND);
- Interference – interference is detected on the frequency channel of the detector, affecting the detection of objects (as a rule, interference occurs due to the signal of another detector located or installed nearby - INTERFERENCE);
- Rain – the presence of precipitation (rain) has been detected, which can affect the efficiency of object detection (RAIN);
- Hardware error – an error has been detected in the DT hardware, which may negatively affect the correct operation of the DT (HARDWARE_ERROR).
- In this case, the DT can transmit PVR data, but if at least one of the above conditions is detected, for example Interference the System will still determine the DT status as Yellow (INTERFERENCE).
GreyThe detector has been removed from a project or moved to another project (displayed as dark gray on the map and light gray on the status chart)The detector is removed from the project or moved to another project, and the user can receive statistical data from the detector over past time intervals.
  • A red triangle with an exclamation mark may be displayed if the detector does not have stripe types configured.

  • In case of non-configured stripe types, you might see also the Detector icon.