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Detector setup on Road editor

The detector is configured in the graphical user interface (GUI) as follows:

  1. Connecting to detector
  2. Turning on Tracking mode
  3. Setting up lanes
  4. Detector setup
  5. Setting up zones
  6. Turning on Tracing mode

Connecting to detector

The engineer's workstation software (ARM) includes the following basic components by default: adapter, detector, project in order to simplify and speed up the initial setup of the detector.

Connecting to detector with road drawing

You should follow these steps to connect to a detector with road drawing:

  1. Click on the Connecting to detector button in the side menu on the control panel or click on the IP address in the information block.

Connect to DT in GUI

  1. In the Connecting to a detector window that is displayed, you can enter the detector IP address which you want to connect, the port for data and the port for commands.

Connect to DT window


You may change the Detector IP address when requiring

  1. Check that Get a road after connection switch button, it is turned ON. Then, click the Connect button.

Executing commands

Подключение к детектору

IP addressDetector IP address
Data PortThe value of the port from which the detector sends data. The default port value 8008
Port for commandsThe value of the port on which the detector receives control commands. The default port value is 6006
Road drawingChecking information for drawing the road and loading road data through the engineer’s workstation GUI
  1. After sending all commands to the DT, press the button Road Drawing

Receiving data

Next the proofreading message: The following information was obtained for drawing the road is shown ( i.e. drawing of the road with DT). Besides, the data will be displayed in the form of a table.

Drawing the road

  1. Next, you should click on Road Drawing button. A schematic representation of the DT, lanes and zones will appear in the road editor

DT Schematic representation

Connecting to detector without drawing a road

It may be used optionally when updating the firmware and changing the IP address to reduce the time for setting up the DT.

You should follow these steps to connect to a detector without road drawing:

  1. Repeat the first 2 steps described in previous section.

  2. Turn off Get a road after connection toggle button. Then, click the Connect button.

Connecting DT without drawing

Connection to the detector

IP addressDetector IP address
Data PortThe value of the port from which the detector sends data. The default port value is 8008
Port for commandsThe value of the port on which the detector receives control commands. Default port value 6006

Once all commands have been executed by DT, press the button Close. A schematic image of the DT will be displayed but without drawing lanes and zones in the Road editor

Sending commands DT without drawing

DT Schematic representation

Errors when connecting to DT

If an attempt to connect to the DT fails, the message Connection error will appear. In that case, you must check in the fields the entered values and click on the Update icon on the Connecting to detector window.

Error connecting DT


The Tracking mode enables to display objects recorded by the detector in real time in Road editor. This mode allow to adjust the settings of traffic lanes and detection zones in accordance with the movement of real traffic flow.

When turning on Tracking mode, the engineer can determine the accuracy of the road configuration and, if necessary, additional detector adjustments can be completed.

This mode can be enabled in two ways.

First Tracking method

On the Information panel on the top, click on Tracking mode switch. Moving green rectangles will appear on the editor, indicating the objects in the DT detection zone.

Tracking in info panel

Second Tracking method

  1. In the side menu, expand the Tracking block, if it is collapsed.

Tracking in info panel

  1. Then, turn on the Tracking mode switch.

Moving green rectangles will appear in the road editor, indicating objects located in the detection zone of the DTs currently registered by the detector. In this case, the data monitoring block will display information about objects registered by the System.

If necessary, check the box next to Show object IDs. In this case, in addition to objects, the editor will show also object ID numbers assigned by the System.

Objects detection zone

Setting up lanes

Lanes in the GUI simulate the location of lanes on a real road and allow you to link the data received from the detector to a specific lane.

Options for creating and editing lanes can de found in the Detector control block on the Lanes tab.

Lanes in Detector block

Tab Lanes

Road typeIn the drop-down list, select the road type that corresponds to the current road:
- Road
- Crossroads with EB
- Crossroads without EB
Send (road type)Sending the road type to the detector
Road directionIn the drop-down list, select the road direction:
- One-way from the detector
- One-way to the detector
- Two-sided
Send (road direction )Sending the road direction to the detector
Follows the laneIn the drop-down list, select the lane number, followed by the dividing line.
Width, m (Dividing line)Width of the dividing line. Values can be from 0 to 5 m
ApplyDrawing a dividing line with parameters specified by the user
DeleteRemoves the defined settings. After deleting custom options, the GUI will keep its default settings.
Lane number (1,2,3,4,5)Buttons for setting the number of lanes in accordance with the real road on which the detector is installed
+Add a lane
XDelete the selected lane. If no lane is selected, the one of the right will be deleted.
Width, m (configured lanes)It indicates the width of the traffic lane. You can set from 0 м до 10 m
ApplyDrawing a lane with the specified width
Length mThe value is set by the default depending on the detector type
Lane directionIn the drop-down list, select the lane direction:
- From detector
- Bidirectional
- To detector
Delete Lane (indicate number)Removing a lane
SendSending the configured band, all bands and all zones to the detector
  • Follows the lane - The parameters of the dividing lane will be transmitted to the detector
  • Delete - the button appears when creating a dividing lane.
  • Lane direction - When changing the direction of the lane (after clicking on Apply button), the direction of the zone is also modified

Steps to set up a lane

  1. Open the Lanes tab in the Detector control block. If necessary, you may include additional lanes according to the actual road by clicking on +. The lane will be added to the right of the already created ones.

  2. Select a Lane (select lane number) for setup.

  3. Set the Road Direction to match the actual road.

  4. Enter the value in meters in the Width field in accordance with the actual road. Click on Apply to the right of the value entry field to visualize the width change. This step must be repeated for each lane.

  5. When requiring, you can set also the Dividing line:

    • This section for the Dividing Line is located at the top of the Lanes Tap.
    • Select a lane from the Follows the lane drop-down list.
    • Enter a value in the Width field in meters m.
    • Click on Apply button in this block to see the change in the workspace and save the changes in the System.
  6. Click on Send button to save the lane settings in the System and send them to the detector.


Once setting is sent to the detector, the data is overwritten
If incorrect settings are sent, the detector's operation may turn nasty and the data received from the detector might be garbled

Detector setup

Setting an indentation from the edge of the roadway, it may be required for the correct operation of the detector, and also increasing the accuracy of the received data. The mounting angles and heights can be found in the Settings tab in the Detector control block.

Detector Settings

Field description in Detector Settings Tab

Show beam fillThe beam fill switch shows the detection efficiency at different distances from the detector by using segments of different colors
Horizontal offset, mThe distance in meters from the center of the road (Dividing line) to the mounting point (installation location) of the detector. It can be can be indicated in a positive or negative direction. Values can be from 25 m to 25 m.
Mounting height , mHeight from the road surface to the detector mounting point. You can enter the following values from 0 m to 10 m.
Azimuth correction °The angle of deviation of the detector from the center line of the road in a positive or negative direction. It allows you to adjust the direction of the detector beam by GUI. Possible values are from -12° to 12°.
Targets holding time, secThe time during which the detector detects an object on detection zone. It can be configured at an adaptive intersection. Values are from 0 to 180 sec
Traffic cutoff zone, mThe distance of the blind zone from the detector - Values from 0 m to 60 m.
Traffic cutoff zone 2, mIt works similar to traffic cut-off zone, m but on the opposite side of the road. This zone starts from the end of the road to the point that the user specifies in the field. Values from 50 to 450 m.
Right edge, mUsed to add the edge of the road on the right side. The distance in meters over which the detector will see objects and attract them to the outermost lane. It is used on T-35 detectors. This value can be greater than or equal to 1, as well as 0. In case of absence (0), it will not be graphically displayed and vehicles will not be fixed. Values from 0 to 50 m.
Left edge, mUsed to add the edge of the road on the left side. The distance in meters over which the detector will see objects and attract them to the outermost lane. It is used on T-35 detectors. This value can be greater than or equal to 1, as well as 0. In case of absence (0), it will not be graphically displayed and vehicles will not be fixed. Values from 0 to 50 m.
One-dimensional sensitivityThe characteristic is displayed only for detectors, which has two antennas (DT variants TMS.13 Т-25 and Т-35), it allows you to adjust the sensitivity of one antenna relative to the other. The default value 4. One-dimensional and two-dimensional sensitivity parameters are used for setup. Field values are from 0 to 20. Range of change for both also 0 to 20
Two-dimensional sensitivityIt is used only on T-35 - Values are from 0 to 20
Intermediate frequency (IF)Frequency offset of the detector during signal transmission or reception. The signal is shifted to the IF to eliminate interference from other equipment that may work also in the same frequency - Values from 0 to 9
Send all settingsSending the specified configuration, all bands, and all zones to the detector

If the DT T-35 incorrectly measures vehicle lengths, you can achieve the necessary accuracy of measuring vehicle lengths by changing the two-dimensional and one-dimensional sensitivity of the DT.

Steps to set up detector:

  1. In the Detector control block, go to the Settings tab.

  2. When requiring, you can set the switch on Show beam fill. Filling the ray with segments of different colors shows detection efficiency at different distances from the detector.

Detector Settings Beam fill

  1. In the Horizontal offset field, the distance in meters from the middle of the road to the installation/placement point (installation location) of the detector is indicated. It can be indicated in a positive or negative direction (a positive value is offset to the right, a negative value is offset to the left).

  2. The Mounting height field indicates the height from the road surface to the detector mounting point.

  3. The Azimuth correction field indicates the angle of deviation of the detector from the centerline of the road in a positive or negative direction. In this way is possible to adjust the direction of the detector ray in the Road editor.

  4. Send the configuration to the detector using the button Send for each item separately. If you want to send all items at once, then use the button Send all Settings on the detector block in the control panel.


Once setting is sent to the detector, the data is overwritten
If incorrect settings are sent, the detector's operation may turn nasty and the data received from the detector might be garbled

Setting up zones

You can click on the required zone or go to the Zones tab in the Detector control block to configure detection zones.

Zones Tab

Field in Tab Zones

Zone number (1,2,3,4)Buttons for setting detection zones, the number corresponds to those displayed on the road editor GUI. The number of zones at a non-adaptive intersection should correspond to the number of lanes on a straight road. When setting up an adaptive intersection, the number of zones may differ from the number of lanes
+ for adding zoneClick to add the selected zone
X for deleting zoneClick to delete the selected zone. If no zone is selected, the zone with the highest number will be deleted
Link to laneIn the drop-down list, select the number of the lane to which selected zone will be assigned
Distance from the detector , mThe field indicates the distance from the detector installation location to the detection zone. The distance range from the zone detector depends on the type of detector. In case of DT T-25 from 0 m to 200 m, and for DT T-35 from 0 to 300 m
Length, mThe field indicates the length of the zone where objects are registered. Values are from 1 m to 150 м
Zone directionIn this drop-down list, select the direction of the detection zone. The zone direction must correspond to the lane direction :
- Bidirectional
- To detector
- Presence to detector
- Presence from detector
- From detector
Send all zonesSending all zones and all bands to the detector
  • Zone numbers (1,2,3,4) - The zone number indicated, it must correspond to the number of lanes on a straight road, and may differ from the number of lanes when setting up an adaptive intersection.
  • Distance from the detector - The range of distance from the zone detector depends on the type of detector. DT T-25 from 0 m to 200 m, DT T-35 from 0 to 300 m.
  • Zone direction - If the zone is occupied (i.e., for busy zones), the value 1 is passed, if the zone is free, 0 is passed.

Steps to configure zones

  1. In the Detector control block, open the Zones tab. If necessary, remove X or add + zones according to the actual road.

The zone will not be displayed in the GUI until the Save button is pressed.

  1. Select zone number (1,2,3,4) to add it on the road editor and configure it.

  2. In the Link to lane drop-down list, select a lane number to bind the selected zone to a specific lane.

  3. In the Distance from the detector field, specify the distance to the start detection zones in meters.

  4. In the Length field, specify the length of the detection zone for the configurable lane.

  5. In the Zone direction drop-down list, select the direction of the detection zone.

  6. Click on Add to include a zone and display it on the road, or you can undo the changes by clicking on Cancel.

  7. Click on Send all zones To save the zone settings in the System and send the settings to the detector.


Once setting is sent to the detector, the data is overwritten
If incorrect settings are sent, the detector's operation may turn nasty and the data received from the detector might be garbled


First of all, Tracing control block will appear in the sidebar only after turning on the Tracking mode. Besides, you must turn on Run tracing switch to display in the GUI the trajectories of objects moving over time

Tracing mode

In parentheses next to the Show traces switch, the number of traces received since the trace was started is displayed.

If the recorded tracks overlap and interfere with the perception of information, you can delete them with the Clear traces button.

Finally, switch the Stop tracing to OFF to end the Tracing mode. Furthermore, Tracing stops automatically when turning on Show traces.

Changing the detector's IP address

This functionality is used when connecting to the detector for the first time or when changing the addressing plan, i.e. when it is necessary to change the default IP address in the detector to the connection IP address in accordance with the addressing plan issued by the customer (standard IP address for PUIDD, for the new series detectors

You should follow these steps for changing the Detector IP address:

  • Go to the Detector control block in the section Detector network parameters. Then, click on Show button.
  • Enter new data in the fields: Detector IP address (i.e. the IP address of the router or SIM card), the subnet mask of the detector, the gateway of the detector. Next, click on Send button.
  • Fields where the values are entered incorrectly will be highlighted in red, and the values in them must be changed.