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System settings

Menu item System settings is intended for setting up and adding rules for events, projects, roles and users and their accounts to the System.


In the section Projects the user has access to a filter which enables to search for the necessary information and a list of added projects in the System.

System settings projects

In the table below you can find the Project filter parameters.

Project nameField for entering the project name
Vehicle class groupDrop-down list of registered groups of vehicle classes that are associated with projects

Besides here the Project list parameters.

#The serial number of the entry in the list
ProjectProject name specified when adding
Organization**Organization to which the project belongs
Vehicle class groupA group of vehicle classes that is tied to a specific project
DetectorsNumber of detectors related to the project
UsersNumber of users belonging to the organization
ActiveThe project activity status in the System depends on the start and end date of the project when it was added. The orange indicator is a sign of an active project. A gray indicator indicates an inactive project
Date changesDate the project information was last edited

If a field is filled in incorrectly, it is highlighted in red and the Save button is inactive
(**) - It indicates that parameter is available only for users with the Superadmin role

The list of projects allows you to sort by project name, organization name, vehicle class group, number of detectors, number of users, status in the project, date of last change of the project.

Projects page

Adding new projects

Adding new projects is done by clicking on the button Add project. The user is shown a window for entering parameters.

Add project

In the table below are described the Options for adding a project.

Organization*/**The organization to which the project belongs is selected in the field (the organization must be added to the System)
Project name*The unique name of the project to be added is entered in the field. Required field.
Vehicle class group*In the field, select a group of vehicle classes used to classify vehicles registered by detectors (a group of classes must be added to the System). Default Classes Group is available by default
Start date*The start date of the project in the System is entered in the field.
End dateThe end date of the project is entered in the field
DescriptionA description of the project is entered in the field
Available detectorsThe field displays detectors available for adding to the project (detectors must be added to the system). Adding detectors to a project is done by selecting a detector in the window and clicking the button Add detector
Project detectorsThe field displays detectors added to the project. Removing detectors from a project is done by selecting a detector in the window and pressing the button Remove detector.
Available usersA field for selecting users already registered in the System by the superadmin to add them to the project for further work with it. Adding users to the project can be done by selecting the required user and clicking the button Add `
Project usersThe field displays the users added to the project. Removing a user from a project is done by selecting the user in the window and clicking the button Put away
SaveA button that, by clicking on it, the system saves the entered parameters and creates a new project
CancelA button that, by clicking on it, the system resets the entered parameters and cancels the creation of a new project

(*) - It is a mandatory field
(**) - It indicates that parameter is available only for users with the Superadmin role

Editing and deleting a project

You have to hover the mouse cursor over an entry in the list and click on the edit button to change project parameters. When you click this button, an editing window will open (similar to the adding window) with the previously specified parameters.

Click on the button Delete to remove a project from the System. When you click this button, you must confirm the deletion in a pop-up window or cancel the deletion.


In the page Users the user has access to a filter that enables to search for the necessary information and a list of users added to the System.

User page

In the next table the User filter parameters are indicated

First Name Last NameField for entering the user's first and last name
Organization**Drop-down list of organizations registered in the system to which users are linked

Here also the User list parameters.

#The serial number of the entry in the list
First Name Last NameUser's first and last name specified during registration in the System
LoginUser login, used to log into the System
EmailUser email specified during registration in the System
RoleUser role
Organization**Organization to which the user account belongs
ProjectProjects available for viewing/editing by the user (to which the user account belongs)
StatusThe activity status of the user account in the system. In the on state, the indicator is orange - a sign of an active account. The off indicator is a sign of an inactive account

In the off state, the user will not be able to log into the System
(**) - It indicates that parameter is available only for users with the Superadmin role

The list of users allows you to sort by first name, last name of the user, login, by email, name of organization, by project name, by status in the project.

Adding new users

Adding new users is done by clicking on the button Add user. The user is shown a window for entering parameters.

Add user

In the next table the User addition options are described.

Field nameField description
Account statusA switch that determines the action of the user account in the system. When the "off" status is enabled, the user is inactive
Active until*Enter the expiration date for the user account in the calendar
Interface language*The drop-down list displays a list of available languages for the user interface
Organization*/**In the drop-down list, select the user's organization affiliation
ProjectsThe drop-down list displays a list of available projects that the user account belongs to. The choice is made by setting a checkbox
Role*Select the role for the user account from the drop-down list
Timezone*Select the time zone for the user account from the drop-down list
login*The user account login is entered in the field.
Name*The username is entered in the field
Surname*The user's last name is entered in the field
SurnameThe user's middle name is entered in the field
Email*The user's email is entered in the field
Password*The password for the user to log into the System is entered in the field
Repeat password*The field repeats the password entered for the user to log into de System
Changing yourA checkbox, when activated, the user will be prompted to change the password (when logging into the System for the first time).
Show passwordA checkbox that, when activated, displays the specified password
SaveA button that, by clicking on it, the system saves the entered parameters and creates a new user
CancelA button that, by clicking on it, the system resets the entered parameters and cancels the creation of a new user

(*) - It is mandatory field
(**) - It indicates that parameter is available only for users with the Superadmin role

Editing and deleting a user

You must hover the mouse cursor over an entry in the list and click on the edit button to change user parameters. When you click the button, an editing window will open (similar to the adding window) with the previously specified parameters.

In case of removing a user from the System, click on the “Delete” button. When you click the button, you must confirm the deletion in a pop-up window or cancel the deletion.


Access rights in the System are differentiated by editing permissions in the section Roles.

In the section Roles the user has access to a filter to search for the necessary information and a list of roles added to the System.

Roles page

In the table below the Role filter parameters are described.

Role nameField for entering the user role name
Organization**Drop-down list of organizations registered in the system to which user roles are attached

Here the Role list parameters

#The serial number of the entry in the list
Role nameRole name specified when added
DescriptionRole description specified when added
PermissionsSet of rights (Change or View) access for a given role
Organization**Organization to which the role belongs
Date changesDate the role information was last edited

(**) - It indicates that parameter is available only for users with the Superadmin role

Adding new roles

Adding new roles is done by clicking on the buttons Add role. When the button is pressed, the user is shown a window for entering parameters.

Add role

In the next table are indicated the Options for adding a role.

Field/checkbox nameField description
Role name*Enter the role name in the field
Organization*/**In the drop-down list, select the user's organization affiliation

The User Interface Permissions

Permission typePermission description
- All
- Home page
- Detector statistics
- Event statistics
- Vehicle tracking
- Primary analysis
Checkboxes that, when activated, determine the rights to view sections in UI
- All
- Detectors
- Setting up primary analysis
- Road feature classes
- Events
- Event Rules
- Unmanned and connected vehicles
- Adapters
- Road management
Checkboxes, when activated, determine the rights to view and change sections in the UI


Field/checkbox nameField description
Use REST APIA checkbox that, when activated, determines the rights to use the REST API

Permissions for Projects, Users, and Roles Interface

Permission typePermission description
- All
- Projects
- Users
- Roles
Checkboxes that, when activated, determine the rights to view and change sections of the web interface


Element typeDescription
Detector logsA checkbox that, when activated, determines the rights to view detector logs
SaveA button that, by clicking on it, the system saves the entered parameters and creates a new role
CancelA button that, by clicking on it, the system resets the entered parameters and cancels the creation of a new role

(*) - It is mandatory site
(**) - It indicates that parameter is available only for users with the Superadmin role

Fields whose values are entered incorrectly will be highlighted in red. The values in them need to be changed.

Editing and deleting a role

You should hover the mouse cursor over an entry in the list and click on the Edit button to change the parameters of a role. When you click the button, an editing window will open (similar to the adding window) with the previously specified parameters.

Click on the button Delete to remove a role from the system. When you click the button, you must confirm the deletion in a pop-up window or cancel the deletion by clicking the button Cancel.

Event Rules

Section Event Rules at the Top menu is intended for setting up rules and registering events in the System.

System settings Event Rules

When you click on the Event Rules tab, you go to the Event Rules page, which contains a filter and a list of available event rules.

Event Rules page

Detailed information related to Event Rules functionality can be found in Decision-making module.