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The Detectors section is designed to add, edit, configure, and remove detectors from the System.

Menu Detectors

When you click on Menu item Detectors, you go to the detectors page which contains a filter and a list of all detectors existing in the System. The filter specifies parameters for sorting detectors by name, project, connection status, ID, state of the switch responsible for the primary data analysis, and application of the duplication algorithm.

Detectors page

Next to the list name of Detectors, information about the total number of detectors in the System is displayed.

In the table below the Filter parameters on the Detector page

NameField for entering the detector name
ProjectsThe drop-down list displays a list of projects available to the user
Detectors without projectClicking on the button displays all detectors that are not associated with the project
Connection statusThe drop-down list displays a list of available detector operating statuses. The choice is made by setting a checkbox. By default, all connection statuses are selected
Detector IDField for quick sorting of detectors by detector ID
AnalysisApplication of primary analysis of data coming from the detector
Doubling algorithmApplying the phantom object removal algorithm

The list allows you to sort by the parameters specified. In addition, the Detector list parameters

#The serial number of the entry in the list
NameDetector name specified when adding the detector to the system
ProjectThe project to which the detector belongs in the System
Project statusStatus of adapter connection to the detector. The status is displayed as a switch. When you click on the icon, the detector status changes to inactive
Connection statusDetector connection indicator. The element shows the status of data exchange with the detector; detailed descriptions of detector statuses in Detector operation status section.
ErrorsAn exclamation mark icon is displayed if all fields are not completely filled in when adding a detector
AnalysisApplication of primary data analysis for this detector
IndexThe detector index is entered in the field, which is assigned depending on the number of detectors in a given project (PUIDD 1, Adaptive intersection 4)
Doubling algorithmWhether or not a phantom object removal algorithm is used for this detector
Number of lanesNumber of lanes on the road on which the detector is installed
Calibration% discrepancy between statistical data and actually received data for the selected time interval
History of changesDetector movement history

Adding a detector

Adding a new detector to the System is done by clicking on the button Add detector to the pages Detectors and on the interactive map at Home page left click and click on the button Create detector.

The administrator must be sure that the detector transmits data to the System - the equipment is available and the software is configured.

Add detector

In the table are described the Add detector page parameters

Field nameField description
Detector name*The unique name of the detector is entered in the field
Detector type*Select the series of the custom detector from the drop-down list
Detector index*The detector index is entered in the field, which is assigned depending on the number of detectors in a given project (PUIDD 1, Adaptive intersection 4)
Project statusThe switch that is responsible for turning on detector to the list of those polled by the adapter when connecting to adapter via DB or RabbitMQ. If you configure the adapter through a config file to display the detector in the web interface the commands sources must be specified. Otherwise the detector wont be displayed on the map
Organization*The organization to which the detector belongs in the System. It is displayed if more than one Organization is registered on the System
Project*The drop-down list indicates the project in which the detector will be included
Data latency *, msThe delay time for receiving data from the detector is entered in the field. By default it is recommended to specify value = 60000
Waiting for connection*, msThe wait time for detector connection is entered in the field. By default, it is recommended to specify value = 100
Advanced ModeCheckbox for enabling advanced mode to the detector. This mode should only be enabled for detectors with series TMS.0C
Interface typeIn the field, select the type of connection to the detector

Depending on the type of DT created, the set of fields for filling out will change

Interface type Ethernet (TCP), Ethernet (UDP)

Field nameField description
Adapter/Detector IP address*The IP address of the adapter or the IP address of the detector is entered in the field, depending on the survey type:
- If "Client" is selected in the "Poll Type" field, the IP address of the computer on which the adapter is deployed, it is indicated.
- If “Server” is selected in the “Poll Type” field, the IP address of the detector is shown
Adapter/Detector port*The adapter port or detector port to which the detector sends information depending on the polling type
Survey type *It is used for selecting the operating mode of the equipment:

Type Ethernet (TCP), Ethernet (UDP) interface for TMS.13

Field typeField description
Detector IP addressDetector IP address depending on the survey type.
Data portPort through which objects and PVR are transmitted
Port for commandsThe port through which commands are sent to the detector and responses to these commands are received
Survey type *In the field the operating mode of the equipment:
Customer (inactive)

Interface type RS485

Field nameField description
Port namePort number, for example COM1
Transmission speedSpecify the transfer rate in bits/sec
Number of bitsStandard RS connection setup
Number of stop bitsStandard RS connection setup

Ethernet interface type (Multicast)

Field nameField description
Adapter IP addressEnter the IP address of the adapter in the field
Detector IP addressThe IP address of the detector is entered in the field
Detector portThe port used to communicate with the detector
Multicast group IP address*Enter the IP address of the multicast group in the field
Multicast group port*Enter the port of the multicast group in the field
Survey typeIn the field the operating mode of the equipment:
Customer (inactive)

Detector location

Field nameField description
Place nameEnter the name of the location in the field detector installation
GPS coordinates (lat, long) *The field indicates the GPS coordinates of the detector installation location. When creating a detector on the interactive map, this field is filled in automatically.
Detector direction*In the drop-down list select the viewing direction of the detector related to the beginning location (0 kilometer) of the road on which the current detector is installed.
Picket *The name of the detector picket is entered in the field.
External IP equipmentThe name of the router IP address or the IP address of PUIDD

External relay

Field nameField description
Active relayThis section is available for editing only when the mode is enabled. Switch to connect the detector to an external relay (it is used for sites where detectors are installed at intersections mostly)
Relay IP address*Enter the IP of the external relay in the field
Relay port*Enter the port number of the external relay in the field
Check interval*, secThe value (in seconds) of the external relay check interval is entered in the field.
Number of HW errors *Enter the number of permissible relay hardware errors
Control Packet IDsIn the drop-down list, select the control packet identifier value to be sent to the relay
Waiting for detector to reboot*The reboot waiting time from 60 to 120 seconds is entered here
Additional InformationA description of the detector and additional information about the detector
Road typeIn the drop-down list, you can select a road type from the road type directory
CreateA detector with parameters entered by the user is added to the system
CancelCancel all changes

(*) - It means that the field is mandatory

You can determine the location of the zero (0) kilometer of the road on which the custom detector is installed on the website of the Road Funds Control System of the Federal Autonomous Institution ROSDORNII by using the following links:

Selection from a list of roads
Select a road on the map

When installing a detector at an intersection (as part of the PUSO), the specified intersection is taken as zero.

Here the Control packet ID values to be sent to the relay

Control Packet IDsDescription
0X2FFMessage synchronization (for 2G model)
0X320Fast boot/bootloader mode (for all detector models)
0X3A0Detector setup (for 2G model)
0X3F2Message for transmitting new parameters and initiating various commands to the detector (for 2G model)
0X400Diagnostic message about detector setup (for model UMRR-0C)
0X430Coprocessor status message (for TMIB model)
0X434Coprocessor status message (for UMRR-0C model)
0X500Sensor Control Message (all detector models)
0X501Message about the number of transmitted objects and the number of messages for each object (for all detector models)
0X502Message with object length according to class (for model UMRR-0C)
0X700Message about detector parameters (for model UMRR-0C)
0X734Coprocessor Status Message (for model UMRR-0C)
0X780Message with statistical data (for all detector models)
0X785Message about PVR from the detector (for all detector models)
0X786Output queue message (for all detector models)

Required fields whose values are entered incorrectly will be highlighted in red. The values in them must be changed. After entering the parameters and clicking the Create button, the system will prompt the user to save the entered data without entering additional configuration parameters (then, click the Finish button) or enter additional detector configuration parameters (click the Configuration button to do this).

Detector updated

Editing detector information

The page for Editing Detectors includes sections: Detector Configuration, Calibration. This functionality is configured jointly by an engineer with Superadmin role.

You should move the mouse cursor over the line in the list with the selected detector or click on the edit button To change the detector parameters. When you click on the specified button, the detector editing page will open.

Edit Detector

All section parameters in Main settings section are the same parameters that apply when adding a detector.

Edit Detector 1

Additionally, information from the detector is displayed in the form of subsections: Detector software/hardware - this information is transmitted from the detector, and sections Detector zones, Detector stripes, Installation Options — are filled in automatically when the adapter starts. The data in the sections listed above can be updated by clicking on save button.

Edit Detector 2

In the table you can find the Detector Zones page parameters

Field nameField description
Zone indexThe serial number of the entry in the list
Vehicle classesNumber of vehicle classes
DirectionDirection of movement of detection zones
Distance from detector, mDistance from DT in meters
Zone length, mLength of the DT zone in meters
Zone width, mDT zone width in meters
Band indexBand index
Band index for reportThe index of the band that will be displayed in reports. Setting this parameter is used only if no bands are received from DT

Besides the Detector Strip page parameters

Field nameField description
Band indexThe field displays the indices of the zones associated with this DT
Band typeChangeable parameter, lane type from the road editor
Counting linesThe field displays the number of counting lines
DirectionThe field displays the direction of the detector stripes
SplinesThe field displays the number of points for bending the road
Bandwidth, mThe field displays the DT bandwidth in meters
Strip length, mThe field displays the length of the DT strip in meters

Here the Installation Options page options

Field nameField description
Mounting heightThe field displays the installation height of the diesel engine
Azimuth correctionThe field displays the angle of installation of the DT in azimuth
ZenithThe field displays the zenith angle of the DT installation

You should turn on o switch Settings mode to edit a section Configuration.

In addition, you must press the button Save to save the changed detector settings, and to cancel the changes made, the button Cancel.


In this section, the detector configuration can be set. This configuration covers the following:

  • Algorithm for removing duplicate objects which may be used for removing duplicate objects (this option is only available to System technical support specialists) - the algorithm for removing counted vehicles i.e counted twice by the System due to detectors peculiarities or even conditions on the road.

  • Additional DT configuration options - detector network parameters, tracking parameters, detection parameters, primary data analysis.

Detector configuration

Additional detector configuration options

In this section you will find the Additional detector configuration parameters.

Detector network parameters

Parameter typeDescription
Detector IP addressDetector IP address
Mask reminded the detectorMask reminded the detector
Detector gatewayDetector gateway

Tracking options

Parameter typeDescription
X-point coordinates (lat, long) *The field indicates the X coordinate of a point located at a distance of about 50 meters in the direction of viewing of the detector
Y-point coordinates (lat, long) *The field indicates the Y coordinate of a point located at a distance of about 50 meters perpendicular to the viewing direction of the detector
Detector rotation angle (degrees)The set angle of rotation of the detector relative to the road is entered in the field.
Previous detector*In the drop-down list, select the name of the previous network detector
Distance to previous, m *Distance between detectors from current to previous
Next detector *In the drop-down list, select the name of the next detector
Primary data analysisSwitch that activates primary analysis of data from the detector

Detection parameters

Parameter typeDescription
Distance to stop lineThe distance to the vehicle stop line is entered in the field.
Detection distanceIn the field, enter the distance at which the detector will perform the initial registration of objects
SaveSaving detector settings
CancelCancel all changes

(*) - It is a required field


This page will display a list of all DT calibrations loaded into the System. You must click the button Add calibration to add a calibration to the System.

Detector Calibration

Adding a Calibration

In the Detectors page you should select the specific device. Next click on tab Calibration, and then on button Add Calibration

Add Calibration

Calibration load data

In the table below Add Calibration page options are described

Field name/ButtonsField description
Count dateThe calibration date is selected in the calendar. This field is required. The default is the current date
Added by user Full nameThis field indicates the full name of the engineer who configured the equipment. This field is required
Vehicle class group*A group of vehicle classes combined into a group. This field appears only when you select the counting type by Direction and classification
Counting typeThe system for calibration comparison is selected from the drop-down list. In this list, the user can select data for comparison with the System data - depending on the choice of calculation type, the table for entering diesel fuel calibration data will change.
The configuration fileA file in .tisf format is added to the field. Clicking on Browse opens a navigation window for selecting a file
File the formA file in .tisf format is added to the field. Clicking on Browse opens a navigation window for selecting a file
Period for downloading detector dataThe time period for which the equipment operation error is calculated is entered in the field.

In addition the Table for determining measurement error. Here the direction of the DT is indicated

Error typeDescription
Counting type/ClassAccording to the selected calibration type
Statistics dataStatistics data obtained from DT
Factual dataActual data counted by counters
ErrorChange error

(*) - Field is required

Fields whose values are entered incorrectly will be highlighted in red. Their values must be changed in the adding calibration section.

Removing a Calibration

Click on the Delete button to remove a calibration from the System, and confirm deletion in the dialog box.

Removing a detector

Click on the Delete button to remove a detector from the System. When you click on this button, you must confirm the deletion of the detector in a pop-up window by clicking the button or cancel the deleting action by pressing the button Cancel.