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In this section you can find the Developer Settings and Organizations.

Menu super-admin

Developer Settings

The Page Developer Setup is available only to users with the Superadmin role. This presents data on the state of the database structure with reference to a specific release of the web application. The page enables to clear the cache by clicking on the button Reset cache.

Page Developer Settings


In this section the user has access to a filter to search for the necessary information and a list of added organizations.


The Organization page is available only for users with the Superadmin role.

Page Organizations

In the table below you can find the Organization filter parameters.

Name of the organizationField for entering the name of the organization
TimezoneDrop-down list of time zones registered in the system to which organizations belong

The superadmin has access to lists of organizations already added to the System.

Here Organization list parameters.

#The serial number of the entry in the list
Name of the organizationOrganization name specified when adding
DescriptionDescription of the organization specified when adding
TimezoneTime zone to which the organization is assigned
DetectorsNumber of detectors per organization
ProjectsNumber of projects related to the organization
UsersNumber of users belonging to organizations
Date changesDate the information was last edited organization

The list of organizations allows you to sort by organization name, description, time zone, number of detectors, number of projects, number of users, date of last change.

Adding new organizations

Adding new organizations can be done by clicking on the button Add organization. A window is displayed for entering parameters.

Add Organization

In addition, you can find the Options for adding an organization in the table below.

Field nameField description
Name of the organizationThe unique name of the organization is entered in the field
TimezoneIn the drop-down list, select the time zone for the organization
Available detectorsThe field displays detectors available for attachment to an organization (Adding a detector). Attaching detectors to an organization is done by selecting a detector in the window and clicking on the “Add detector” button
Organization detectorsThe field displays detectors attached to the organization. Detectors can be detached by selecting a detector in the window and clicking the “Remove detector” button
DescriptionEnter a description of the organization in the field
SaveSaves the entered parameters and creates a new organization
CancelResets the entered parameters and cancels the creation of a new organization

Editing and deleting an organization

You have to hover the mouse cursor over an entry in the list and click on the edit button to change the organization's parameters. When you click the button, an editing window will open (similar to the adding window) with the previously specified parameters.

Click on the button "Delete" to remove an organization from the System. When you click the button, you must confirm the deletion in a pop-up window or cancel the deletion.