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Decision-making module

This module is designed to provide information to users making decisions in difficult conditions for a complete and objective analysis of the road situation. The purpose of this module is to assist users in making decisions, for example, informing external systems about an event or incident and transmitting data about the event or incident to external systems.

The modules provides:

  • Event processing
  • Information related to an event registered in the System in the event card.
  • Photos and videos from a camera on the section of the road where the event occurred.
  • The option for reproducing (play) an event in the graphical configurator (except for events identified by indirect evidence).

Event to process

The Modal window Event to process is an event processing window. It gives brief information about the event and enables the operator to change the event status and go to the Event Card window.

You can go to modal window Event to process by clicking on the icon on the top panel Notification of a recorded event. The number of events to process is indicated in parentheses at the top of the modal window.

Event notification window

In the next table the Parameters of the Events for processing modal window are described

NewNew event for operator processing
DelegatedDelegated event for operator processing
In progressEvents that the operator is working on
Rule nameName of the event rule, captured event
Time and dateDate and time of the recorded event
Block with media dataPhoto or video file of the event
Object speed, km/hThe speed of the object at the time of the event
Object classClass of the object participating in the event
Object length, mLength of the object participating in the event
Distance from detector, mDistance from the detector at the time of the event
BandThe bar on which the event was recorded
Picketage (km+m)Picketing before the event
StatusLog status for this event
CategoryThe field displays the category of this event to the user:
- Information
- Warning
- Critical Event
TypeIn the drop-down list, the user is shown a list of event types registered in the system:
- Speed events
- Traffic events
- Other events
The codeUnique event code assigned in the System
DetectorDetector name
Go buttonClick to go to the card of the selected event
Close buttonIt is used to close modal window

Event card


This functionality is being developed currently

The Page Event Card contains information with data on the selected event in the list of all project events. When you click on an event in the list, the card of the selected event opens. The event card also contains photos and videos from the nearest camera and a link to go to the graphical configurator to play the event.

Event Card page

In the table below you can find the Event card parameters

Event nameEvent name specified in the System
StatusEvent status
TimeEvent start date and time
Event categoryThe category of this event is displayed to the user in the field
Event typeThe field displays to the user the type of this event and the last three characters of the event id
The codeEvent code, which consists of the event rule code
Object classObject class registered in the System
Object length, mThe field displays to the user the length of the object participating in the event in meters.
Object speed, km/hSpeed of the object participating in the event
Lane numberThe field displays to the user the value of the lane number on which the event occurred.
Direction of movementDirection of traffic on this lane
CoordinatesCoordinates of the registered event
DetectorName of the detector that recorded the event
Distance from detector, mDistance from the detector that recorded the event
Picketage (km+m)Picketing before the event

Besides, Photo and video parameter types

Item typeDescription
General panoramic photo from the cameraThe field displays to the user a general panoramic photo obtained from the camera
Close-up photo from cameraIn the field, the user is shown an approximate photo obtained from the camera
Live camera videoThe field displays video from the camera in real time to the user

The Radio button Close event parameters

A commentA comment for the event is entered in the field. The user must click on the button Close to save a comment in the event card.
StatusThe field displays to the user a drop-down list of event status:
- Confirmed
- False alarm
- Classification error
Pause in work
CloseWhen you click the button, the event is closed

The Radio button Transfer to operator parameters

A commentA comment for the event is entered in the field. The user must click on Submit button to save a comment in the event card
Pass to userThe field displays a drop-down list of operator names to which the event can be passed
Hand overWhen you press the button, the event is transmitted to another operator

The Block Processing log parameters

date and timeDate and time of log status change
Status Log (First Name, Last Name)List of statuses of all logs for a given event indicating operators

Finally, the Multiplayer to replay the event parameters

Playback 0.5x,1x,2xThe field displays to the user the name of the lane type where the event occurred
Play events in the graphical configuratorIn multiplayer, the event is played back.
Close cardClicking the button closes the event card window

Event Rules

Sub-item of the top menu of the System Settings section Event Rules is intended for setting up rules for registering events in the System. On the page Event Rules the user has access to a filter for searching rules and a list of rules created in the System.

Event rules page

In the table below you can find the Event rule filter parameters

NameThe field indicates the name of the event rule specified when registering the rule
Project (multiple choice list)In the drop-down list the projects registered in the System are displayed to the user. The choice is made by checking the checkbox. By default, all list items are selected.
Category (multiple choice list)In the drop-down list, a list of event categories registered in the system is shown to the user:
- Information
- Warning
- Critical event
Type (multiple choice list)In the drop-down list, a list of event types registered in the System is shown to the user:
- Speed events
- Traffic event
- Other events
The choice is made by checking the checkbox. By default, all list items are selected.
StatusIn the drop-down list, a list of event statuses is displayed:
- All statuses
- Active
- Inactive.

Furthermore, Parameters of the Event Rules list

#The serial number of the entry in the list
NameEvent rule name specified when adding the rule
The CodeUnique event rule code specified when registering the rule in the System
Event categoryEvent category:
- Information
- Warning
- Critical event
Event typeEvent types:
- Speed events
- Traffic events
- Other events
Auto closeThe period of time after which the event will automatically close
ReminderThe period of time after which a notification is sent to the operator reminding about the event.
EscalationIf an event is not completed (unclosed) by the time of execution, an escalation notification is sent to the project manager after a specified period of time.
OperatorA user who has been granted the operator role to work with recorded events
ManagersA user who has been granted the manager role to escalate an issue that was not closed within the specified time frame
ProjectName of the project in which the rule is applied
DetectorsNumber of detectors for which it is valid this rule
StatusA list of event statuses is displayed. The status is displayed as a switch. When you click the button, the status of the event rule changes to “inactive”.

Adding an Event Rule

Adding a new rule to the System is done on the page Events by clicking the button Add rule. This will take you to the page Add Rule that enables to create a new rule in the System.

Add Rule page

Add Rule parameters

In the next table you can find the Options for adding a rule

Field / buttonDescription
Rule statusThe status is displayed as a button - switch. When you click on the icon, the status of the rule changes to “inactive” and the created rule is not applied in the System
Organization*/**The drop-down list displays a list of organizations available for selection for which the rule will be created. This field is available only for Superadmin (i.e users with role Superadmin)
Project*The drop-down list displays a list of projects available for selection within rule will be applied. This field is available only for Superadmin
Event category*The drop-down list displays a list of selectable event categories for the rule:
- Information
- Warning
- Critical event
Event typeThe drop-down list displays the list of types available for selection:
- Speed events
- Traffic events
- Other events
Code*A unique rule code, which is independently specified by the user when registering the rule. If you try to create a code with an already registered number, a notification message will appear
Name of the rule (RUS)*The name of the rule in Russian, which will be displayed in the System
Name of the rule (EN)*The name of the rule in English, which will be displayed in the System
Rule Name (ES)Custom rule name in Spanish language that will be displayed in the System

Furthermore, you will have the following Options

Item typeDescription
Checkbox MultipleA checked checkbox indicates that several parameters have been selected for the rule. You can add a maximum of 5 types of parameters.
Parameter typeIn the drop-down list, select the type of parameter that will be used to determine which parameter or unit of measure for event registration will be used in the rule:
- Object in scope
Kilometers per hour -
- Meters per second
- Headway
- Wrong direction
- Vehicle stop
- Pedestrian detected
- Custom Event
Minimum valueMinimum unit value (if available). The user can also specify the minimum value using a slider, located to the right of the field.
Maximum valueMaximum unit value (if available). The user can also specify the maximum value using the slider that is located to the right of the field.

Besides, the fields and buttons

Field / buttonDescription
SliderIt enables to change the minimum and maximum value of a quantity (It is available)
CloseRemove parameter type
AdditionAdd an additional parameter type

In case of detectors

Item typeDescription
Choose allBy checking the checkbox, you can select all detectors in the project to which the rule will be applied.
Checkboxes with detector namesThe selection of detectors is carried out by installing or removing checkboxes. The checked checkbox is a sign of application of the rule for the detector

Finally, the Classes for each band

Item typeDescription
StripesSelect a band or all bands using the All button
ClassesAccording to the classes registered in this project, by default:
- Undefined (undefined) – 0-2 m
- Passenger cars (passenger cars) – 2-6 m
- Truck short (short trucks) – 6-9 m
- Truck (trucks) – 9-13 m
- Truck long (long trucks) – 13-22m
- Transporter (transport road trains) – 22-30 m
SaveA button that, when pressed, the system saves entered parameters and and creates a new rule
CancelA button that, when clicked, resets all entered parameters and cancels the creation of a new rule

(*) - It is a mandatory field
(**) - It is available only for users with the Superadmin role

Fields whose values are entered incorrectly will be highlighted in red. The values in them need to be changed.

Setting up roles in the decision module

You should click on Add new rule and then in the list of rules press the edit button to configure or change roles in the event module.

Event rules edit

Event rules parameters section

In the Rules editing window that opens, click on the button Setting up users and notifications. Afterward a pop-up window will appear with additional rule settings.

Settings user and notification

In the table below the options for Configuring users and Notifications are described.

Field / buttonDescription
Auto-close via eventIn the drop-down list, you can configure the time period for notifying about the closure of an event.
Available usersA field for selecting users already registered in the System by the superadmin to add them to the project for further work with it. Adding users to the project can be done by selecting the required user and clicking the button Add
Event Operators/SupervisorsThe field displays the users (operators/managers) added to the rule
AddAdd an operator or manager to a rule
Put awayRemoving users from a rule is done by selecting Event Processing Operators/Managers in the window and clicking the Remove button
Repeated notification (through operator)In the drop-down list you can configure the period for re-notifying the operator
Notifying (through manager)In the drop-down list you can configure the manager’s notification period
CancelCancel changes made
SaveSave changes

Delete and edit an event rule

You should hover the mouse cursor over the entry in the list and click on the edit button to change the rule parameters. When you click the button, the event rule editing page will open (similar to the rule adding window) with the previously specified parameters.

In case of removing a rule from the system, you must click on the delete button. When you click on this button, you must confirm the deletion in a pop-up window by clicking Delete or cancel deletion by pressing the button Cancel.