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Events module

The events module provides event information on an interactive map. The module includes a section Events in the side navigation menu and the top menu item Event Rules.

Events module

Section Events consists of subsections - Detailed report, Consolidated report and All events.

Event display

Events registered by the System are displayed on the map as icons. The color of an event indicates its category:

  • Red – critical event
  • Orange – event that requires attention
  • Blue – information event

The web interface provides the following multi-filter functions To filter information on the map: Last Event widget, Latest Events list, Event filter.

Events on the map

Event information view

The user must hover over the event icon with the mouse pointer to view information about an event on the map. This will display a pop-up window with information about the event.

The Event information parameters are described in the table below

Date and time in the window titleDate and time of registration of the event by the System
Event categoryEvent category. Possible options:
- Information
- Warning
- Critical Event
Event RuleThe name of the event rule that captured the event
SpeedSpeed of object movement during registration events
LengthLength of the object participating in the event
BandObject movement lane during registration events by the System
DetectorName of the detector that recorded the occurrence of the event

Events displayed information

When you hover over the event group area on the map, a pop-up information window will appear with general information about all the events that occurred at that location on the interactive map.

Detailed event report

A detailed report provides the user with event information collected by one detector over a specified period of time. The report is generated after the user enters the necessary parameters in the report filter, based on which the data is selected.

Report settings for the Detailed report

The Page Report settings for Event Detailed report is a filter for entering report parameters. The user must fill in the required filter fields (marked in orange) to build a report.

Events Detailed report

In the table below you will find the Detailed event report filter parameters

Selecting a detector to report *In the drop-down list, select the detector based on the information from which the report will be generated. Detectors that relate to the selected project are available for selection in the drop-down list. Only one detector can be selected. By default, no detector is selected.
Filter detectors by statusThis filter is designed to filter detectors by operating status. In the drop-down list, select the operating status of the equipment by checking the checkbox. After specifying the statuses, the condition is applied to the field Selecting a detector to report. By default, all equipment statuses are selected
Filter detectors by direction (multiple selection list)This filter is designed to filter detectors by direction. In the drop-down list, select the detector direction by setting checkboxes. After specifying the direction, the condition is applied to the field Selecting a detector to report. By default all directions are selected
Event Category * (Multiple choice list)Use the drop-down list to select the categories of events included in the report. A checked checkbox indicates that the category is included in the report. Multiple values can be selected. By default, all categories are selected.
Event type * (multiple selection list)Use the drop-down list to select the types of events included in the report. A checked checkbox indicates that the type is included in the report. By default, all event types are selected.
Classes * (multiple choice list)In the drop-down list, you select the classes of objects registered by the System to be included in the report. A checked checkbox indicates that the object class is included in the report. By default, all classes are selected.
Stripes *Use the multiple selection drop-down list to select which lanes to include in the report. A checked checkbox indicates that the band is included in the report
Other parameters *In the multiple selection drop-down list, you select the parameters included in the report:
- Speed 85%, km/h
- Workload
- Movement interval, sec
Period * (multiple choice list)An arbitrary period for which the report will be generated. The calendar displays dates and times in the format "HH.MM.YYYY HH:MM:SS" to "HH.MM.YYYY HH:MM:SS". Below the period entry field there are buttons for quickly selecting the period Today, Yesterday and Week ago. By clicking on the quick period selection buttons, the System will automatically substitute the selected period.
YEAR/MONTHButtons for selecting the year and month/months (checkboxes) for selecting the period for which the report will be built.
SUNDAYIn the drop-down list, select the week for which you want to build a report.
Grouping interval *Interval of time grouping of data. Use the buttons to select the intervals for which the data within the selected period will be broken down in the report.
+Select on mapButton for selecting a detector on the map. By clicking on the button, the user is shown a pop-up window with an interactive map for selecting a detector to build a report. The selection is made in the same way as selecting a detector on the map of the main page. You can select a detector by checking the desired checkbox on the left.
ApplyButton for applying report generation parameters. By clicking on the button, the system generates a report and provides it to the user
ResetFilter parameters reset button. By clicking on the button, all filter parameters entered by the user are returned to their default values
Hide/ShowThe button allows you to collapse and expand the filter block.

(*) - It is Required parameter to build a report

Grouping interval - the selected time interval should not exceed 24 hours to generate a report in hours or minutes

Graphic part of a detailed event report

The user can view the information in graphical form after generating the report. The graph is an interactive element. When hovering the mouse over the chart elements, the user is shown additional information in the form of tooltips.

Events Detailed report graph

Tabular part of a detailed event report

The information collected in the report is displayed to the user in the form of a table. Information is displayed for each step of the selected data grouping interval.

Detailed event report Tabular

Detailed event report Tabular

In the table below you can find the Parameters of the tabular part of the detailed event report.

DateDate and time interval for which data is displayed
EventsTotal number of events for the selected time interval

Each report step can be expanded by clicking on the corresponding + icon. In this case, the user is provided with additional information on events registered by the System.

The additional information parameters of the detailed event report are described here

#The serial number of the entry in the list
DateDate of event registration by the System
Start timeEvent start time recorded system
End timeEvent end time recorded system
StatusStatus of the event in the System when generating the report:
- open - event being processed,
- close – closed by the operator,
- close (auto) - closed automatically
NameName of the rule that recorded the event. Examples:
- Speed <15
- Wrong direction
- Stop
Event categoryEvent category specified in the System during setup:
- Information
- Warning
- Critical event
TypeThe event type specified in the System when setting up the event rule:
- Speed events
- Traffic Events
- Other events
MeaningThe quantitative value of the indicator that was registered by the event. The value received from the detector:
- at a speed event – the speed of the object;
- when stopping – zero;
- when moving back - one.
Unit of measurementUnit of measurement of the indicator that was registered through the event:
- CUSTOM – custom event
- GAP - interval
- HEADWAY – forward direction
- KMH - km/h
- MPS-м/с
- PEDESTRIAN – pedestrian detected
- PLACE - object in the definition area
- STOP - stopping vehicle
- WWD - wrong direction
BandLane where the event was registered
DirectionLane direction
ClassThe class of the object participating in the event. Classes of road objects are set in Classes of road objects
Detector distanceDistance to the detector where the event was recorded

Besides, the Final report parameters

Total events per intervalTotal number of events per time interval by directions of movement, categories and types of events
Total events by detector for the periodTotal number of events for the time interval selected in the report filter
Total detector unavailability timeThe total time during which the sensor was unavailable during the time interval selected by the filter. Displayed in days, hours, minutes format
Trouble-free operation of the detectorThe value of uninterrupted operation of the sensor as a percentage for the time interval selected in the filter. Percentage value (%)
Data Collection IntegrityThe value of uninterrupted data acquisition from the detector for the entire time of its uninterrupted operation for the period selected in the filter. Percentage value (%)

Consolidated event report

A consolidated report provides the user with information on events collected by several detectors over a specified period of time. The report is generated after the user enters the necessary parameters in the report filter, based on which the System selects the data.

Report settings for the Consolidated report

The Page Events report settings. Consolidated report is a filter for entering report parameters. The user must fill in the required filter fields (marked in orange) to build a report.

Events Consolidated report

In the next table are described the Events filter parameters for the Consolidated report

Select detectors for report * (multiple selection list)In the drop-down list, by setting the checkbox, you select detectors, based on the information from which the report will be generated. Detectors that relate to the selected project are available for selection in the field. By default, all detectors are selected.
Filter detectors by status (multiple selection list)This filter is designed to filter detectors in the “Select detector for report” field by operation status. In the drop-down list, select equipment statuses by checking the checkbox. After specifying the statuses, the condition is applied to the field Selecting detectors to report. By default, all equipment statuses are selected.
Filter detectors by direction (multiple selection list)This filter is designed to filter detectors in the Select detector for report field by direction. In the drop-down list, select the detector direction by setting checkboxes. After specifying the direction, the condition is applied to the Select detectors for report field. By default all directions are selected
Event Category* (multiple selection list)This field allows you to select the categories of events included in the report:
- Information
- Warning
- Critical event
A checked checkbox indicates that the category is included in the report. By default, all event categories are selected.
Event type* (multiple selection list)This field selects the types of events included in the report. A checked checkbox indicates that the type is included in the report. By default, all event types are selected.
Stripes* (multiple choice list)The field selects the traffic lanes included in the report. A checked checkbox indicates that the band is included in the report. All bands are selected by default
Period *An arbitrary period for which the report will be generated. The calendar indicates the date and time in the format from “HH.MM.YYYY HH:MM:SS” to "HH.MM.YYYY HH:MM:SS". Below the period entry field there are buttons for quickly selecting the period Today, Yesterday and Week ago. By clicking on the quick period selection buttons, the System will automatically select the period.
YEAR/MONTHButtons for selecting the year and month/months (checkboxes) for selecting the period for which the report will be built.
SUNDAYIn the drop-down list, select the week for which you want to build a report.
Grouping interval*Interval of time grouping of data. Use the buttons to select intervals into which the data will be divided within the selected period in the report.
+Select on mapButton for selecting a detector on the map. By clicking on the button, the user is shown a pop-up window with an interactive map for selecting a detector. The selection is made in the same way as selecting a detector on the map in the main page
ApplyButton for applying report generation parameters. By clicking on the button, the system generates a report and displays it to the user
ResetFilter parameters reset button. By clicking on the button, all filter parameters entered by the user are returned to their default values
Hide/ShowThe button allows you to collapse and expand the filter field

(*) - It is Required parameter to build a report

Grouping interval - the selected time interval should not exceed 24 hours to generate a report in hours or minutes

Consolidated event report chart

The user can view the information in graphical form after generating the report. This graph is an interactive element. When you hover your mouse over chart elements, additional information is displayed in the form of tooltips.

Consolidated event report graph

Tabular part of the consolidated event report

The graphical portion of the information collected in the report is displayed in the form of a table.

Consolidated event report tabular

The table below indicates the Parameters of the tabular part of the consolidated event report.

DetectorName of the detector that collected the data
Lane No. (where No. is the lane number)Number of events recorded on the lane by the detector
Total eventsTotal number of events per detector
Total events (result string)Total number of events for all detectors included in the report, broken down by direction of motion, category, and event type

Lines with information for each detector can be expanded by clicking on the corresponding + icon. In this case, the user is provided with additional information on registered events.

Furthermore, you will see the Parameters of additional information in the tabular part of the consolidated event report

Event categoriesNumber of events by category, registered in each lane:
- Information
- Warning
- Critical event
Total by categoryTotal number of events in all categories for each lane
Event TypesNumber of events by type recorded in each lane
- Speed Events
- Traffic events
- Other events
Total by typeTotal number of events for all types for each lane
Total by directionsTotal number of events by area. Movements (from 0 km –, to 0 km –)
Total detector unavailability timeThe total time during which the detector was unavailable during the time interval selected in the filter. Displayed in days, hours, minutes format
Trouble-free operation of the detectorThe value of uninterrupted operation of the detector as a percentage for the time interval selected in the filter. Percentage value (%)
Data Collection IntegrityThe value of constant and uninterrupted data acquisition from the detector for the entire time of uninterrupted operation of the detector for the period selected in the filter. Percentage value (%)

Exporting event reports

Event reports can be uploaded to an external file of the selected format. The System must complete its generation to upload a report. Uploading is done using the Export button located on the right, above the graphic part of the report. When clicked, the user can select the file format in which the information will be saved. Available formats:

  • Excel
  • CSV

Exporting a report

All events


This All events functionality is being developed currently.

The page All events contains a list of all events registered by the system for the selected project. On the page, the user has access to a filter for searching for events in the list, as well as a list of all events registered in the System.

All events page

In the next table you will find the Event list filter parameters

Event Category* (multiple selection list)When you click on the drop-down list, the user is shown a list of event categories registered in the System. The choice is made by setting a checkbox. All categories are selected by default
Event type* (multiple selection list)The drop-down list displays a list of event types registered in the system. The choice is made by setting the checkbox
Vehicle classes* (list with multiple choice)When you click on the drop-down list, the user is shown a list of vehicle classes registered by default in the System. The choice is made by setting a checkbox. All categories are selected by default
Name*When you click on the drop-down list, the user is shown a list of event names registered in the System
Selecting detectors for the report*(multiple choice list)In the drop-down list, detectors that registered events are selected. Detectors that relate to the selected project are available for selection in the field. By default, all detectors are selected.
Filter detectors by status (multiple choice list)The drop-down list displays the operating status of the detector. By default, all statuses are selected.
Filter detectors by direction (multiple choice list)The drop-down list displays the detector directions:
- to 0 km;
- from 0 km;
- round trip
By default, all directions are selected.
Stripes* (multiple choice list)In the drop-down list you can select bands (band numbers) registered in the System. By default, all bands are selected.
Period* (multiple choice list)An arbitrary period for which a list of events registered in the System will be displayed. The fields indicate dates and times in the format from “HH.MM.YYYY HH: MM: SS” to “HH.MM.YYYY HH: MM: SS”. Below the period entry field there are buttons for quickly selecting a period Today, Yesterday and A week ago. When you click on the quick period selection buttons the System will automatically substitute the period.
ApplyButton for applying filtering parameters. By clicking on the button, the system generates a list of events and displays it to the user
ResetFilter parameters reset button. When you click on it all user entered filter parameters are returned to default values
HideThe button allows you to collapse and expand the filter block

(*) - It is mandatory field

Besides, All Events list options

#Record serial number
start dateEvent start date
StatusThe System has the following event statuses:
- New
- Viewed
- In progress
- Closed by operator
- Delegated
- Closed automatically
CategoryThe System provides the following categories of events:
- Information
- Warning
- Critical event
TypeThe registered event is displayed:
- Speed events
- Traffic events
- Other events
The codeUnique event code assigned in the System
NameThe name of the event rule that recorded this even
DetectorDetector name
Direction of movementDetector direction:
- to the detector
- from detector.
BandNumber of the band in which this event was recorded
MeaningEvent parameter value
Unit measurementsEvent parameter unit
Vehicle classThe class of the object participating in the event. Road object classes are specified in the top menu in Road object classes
ProcessedEvent completion (processing) date

The card of the selected event will open by clicking on any line of the list. Detailed description in the section Event card.