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Road management module

This module is designed for setting up and managing roads. It includes a side menu item Object Tracking and section Road Management.

Object tracking


This functionality is being developed currently

This section of the side menu is designed to select a detector that will track the location of objects and obtain object parameters in a mode close to real time.

Road management section

Section Road Management includes additional functionality for setting up the road and equipment, which allows you to configure the parameters of the detector, traffic lanes, detection zones, detector triggers, using a graphical interface. All detector settings can be written to the memory of the selected detector and read from it for reconfiguration.

You should click on the option Road parameters in the menu Equipment for going to Road Management page, and then select the required road.

The Road Management page contains a list of roads that have already been configured and includes improved options for configuring roads and equipment.

Road management

The Description of fields in the Road Management submenu in the tables below

Road name filterField for entering the name or part of the road name
Project filterDrop-down list for selecting a project. The choice is made by setting a checkbox.
#The serial number of the entry in the list
Road nameThe name of the road specified when creating/adding the road
ProjectThe project to which the configured road belongs
Number of detectorsTotal number of installed and configured detectors on a
Edit DeleteIcons for deleting an entry in the list and changing road parameters. To edit an existing entry in the list, you need to hover your mouse over the item in the list and click on the edit icon. When you click the button, an editing window will open with the previously specified parameters. To remove a road from the list, click the delete icon and confirm the deletion in the pop-up window.

Setting up the road is done by clicking on the button Add a road to the pages Road Management. When pressed, a window for entering road parameters is displayed.

Add road window

In addition, the parameters Description of the Add Road window

Project*Drop-down list for selecting a project in which a new road will be configured in the System. The drop-down list contains all projects for the current organization.
Road type*Field for selecting the type of road. The drop-down list contains entries from the road type directory.
Road name*Field for entering the name of the road, which will be displayed in the road list section.
Description of the roadField for entering a road description or user comment
Road detectorsSection for adding available detectors to the road. All available detectors within the selected project will be displayed in the available Detectors field. To add a detector, you have to select a detector and click on the Add detector button. To remove a previously added detector, select an entry in the Road detector field and click on the Remove detector button .
Create/Save (in edit mode)Button to create a new road. After clicking on the button, a new road will be created in the System, and the user will go to the road editor window
CancelButton to cancel the creation of a new road. The user will be returned to the road list section.

(*) - It is a required parameter to add a road


The Mode Tracking enables to display objects registered by the detector in real time in a graphic editor. This mode helps adjust the settings of traffic lanes and detection zones in accordance with the movement of real traffic flow.

Traffic monitoring

This mode can be enabled in the right panel.

Tracking block

In the table below the Tracking block parameters are described

TrackingTracking mode switch
Show object IDsCheckbox that enables to display object ID numbers

In addition, tracking mode can be enabled on the information panel on the left by clicking the mode switch Tracking. Green rectangles in movement will appear in the graphic editor, indicating objects in the DT detection zone.

Enable tracking mode

Data monitoring

The data monitoring block is a table that displays real-time data realted to objects registered by the System. This block table will be filled with data when the function Tracking is enabled. The block can be expanded or collapsed by clicking on it. Besides, this block has two tabs Objects and PVR.

Below you can find the parameters available in the Object tab

#ID number assigned to the object by the System
X, mPositioning the drawn object on the canvas along the X axis
Y, mPositioning a drawn object on the canvas along the Y axis
Speed, km/hObject speed
LaneThe band index in the detector
Length, mObject length

Tab Object

Besides the parameters in PVR tab

PVRAmount of PVR data collected by the detector
Refresh iconButton to reset all recorded PVRs
#ID number assigned to the object by the System
Speed, km/hObject speed
LaneBand index in the detector
FilterSorting registered objects by the band or bands selected in the filter
ZoneZone index in the detector
Length, mObject length recorded by the System
FilterSorting objects by length (from and to)



In the field From, m you can enter a value from 0 to 45 m, and in the To, m field from 0 to 45 m


You can go to the Firmware section through the Equipment menu and Road Management option when clicking on a row in the road table of the project.

The management page for the selected road will appear. If you click on the underlined number in front of the detector status in the table located in the upper-left corner, a window with firmware parameters will appear.

Road Management more functions

Firmware window

The Detector firmware parameters are described in the next table

Field nameDescription
Detector statusDisplays the operating status of the detector
Detector typeThe series of the detector selected for firmware is displayed
Detector model nameDetector model is displayed
Installed software (Firmware)The installed software version is displayed
Select a fileWhen you click the button, a window opens for selecting a file on the user’s PC. After selecting, the field displays the path to the file and the file name: File type: .app
Update firmwareWhen you press the button, the firmware in the detector is updated.

Fields whose values are entered incorrectly will be highlighted in red. The values in them need to be changed.

Traffic monitoring


This functionality is being developed currently.

It is available through Road Management section.

This functionality is designed to configure transport detectors in relation to the selected project and road. Allows you to configure detector parameters, traffic lanes, detection zones, detector triggers, using a graphical interface. All detector settings can be written to the memory of the selected detector and read from it for reconfiguration. The configuration of this module is done in a complementary software (The engineer's ARM) by Sorb Engineering specialists.

Road management page